Bethel College Viewbook

Bethel College Viewbook

CLIENT: Bethel College Admission
GOAL: Balance a new brand, images, and the right feel for a high school audience while presenting a huge amount of information. SOLUTION: By utilizing bold, high-contrast brand elements, information could be segmented and connected visually without being overwhelming. Images that focused on interaction and community helped reinforce the Bethel brand and break up content.

Hillsboro Free Press Website

Bethel College Viewbook

CLIENT: Hillsboro Free Press
GOAL: Present thousands of news articles in an organized way that aligns with the client's brand and still allows for lots of ad spaces.
SOLUTION: Building on the existing CMS (Joomla), we crafted a template that presented site elements in priority that the client needed. Since the Hillsboro Free Press is primarily supported by advertising revenue, a heavier than normal emphasis on ads was applied.

Meg Esau Photography 

Bethel College Viewbook

CLIENT: Meg Esau Photography
GOAL: Capture the spirit of the experience of working with Meg Esau Photography AND include a specific and meaningful graphic.
SOLUTION: The bird graphic is a tattoo Meg has on her arm. The style is very distinct and compelling. So the colors and style of the other elements in the logo revolve around the tattoo art. 

Bethel College Alumni Magazine

Mission 242 Campaign

CLIENT: Bethel College
GOAL: Create a new, clean design that aligned with the new Spirited Connections brand campaign without leaving the photo-driven aesthetic of the old magazine behind.
SOLUTION: The Bethel College Alumni Magazine was reimagined front to back to be bold and simple. The magazine was given unique elements of its own as well as sharing some of the Spirited Connections brand elements. The result was a great balance of old and new.